Thursday, 10 November 2011

A Park for All Seasons

Bordered by the Union Canal to the south, and tenement housing in all other directions Harrison Park is a gem of Victorian planning. The bowling green and tennis courts have fallen into disuse but the football pitchesand children's playgrounds are much visited. The council does a great job of stocking the formal beds and planting droves of daffodils and crocuses. Together with the cherry blossom these transform the park in spring. Not so clever is their policy (throughout Edinburgh parks) of replacing "proper" railings (as seen on the left of the path) and hedges with the low level, and no doubt low maintainance, "monorail" (as seen to the right). These have always struck me as being trip wires for those unfamiliar with the territory. All in all the park is a wonderful asset worth every penny it costs to preserve.   


  1. Hello Mal, welcome to city/country blogging! I tried to follow you but it's not active.
    Harrison park is the one with the fierce speed bumps, isn't it? I'm a bit hazy on my South Side geography, as a North Sider for 25 years.

  2. Thanks for the welcome Linda. Yes that's the road through Harrison park - cars parked either side, bendy and bumpy. Under the bridge however the canal towpath is straight and uninterupted! (Although you have to beware of cyslists)
